He submit a small claim at county court. What should i do. He also calling me if i can pay him something out side of the court so he wont sue me. Please save me from the beast.......need very wise advice. Just for FAX..............I got sued by a lawyer? I FAX him a broshure of my copy shop and he sue me and my company. Please advice.?
Post your question on www.expertlaw.com. click on 'Law Forum' Some attorney or a professional will get back to you within an hour or so, maybe minutes. not just some random person like this place.I got sued by a lawyer? I FAX him a broshure of my copy shop and he sue me and my company. Please advice.?
Need more information. But, you should show it to a local lawyer. Most will answer one question without charge.
Seek an Attorney
there is a law against sending junk faxes. you're not supposed to send faxes to anyone that you don't already have a business relationship with. especially a lawyer!
have you actually SEEN a court complaint from this guy? sounds like he wants to shake you down, but I wonder if maybe he's bluffing about going to court--assuming you only faxed him once, the damages would be like, 12 cents. If you have been served with official court documents, you might want to get a lawyer to represent you. (does your business have liability insurance? if so, speak to the insurance company) If you have not seen any actual documents, I would wait him out a bit.
hahaha lawyers rule
he's asking you to pay him out of court or settle out of court? Asking for pymt. is extortion. You NEED to get an attorney and countersue.
What is his grounds for a lawsuit? Did you just fax him 1 item, only one time? That does not sound like grounds for a lawsuit. So unless there is some law where you are against faxing, something isn't adding up. Of you are giving all the info. then he's up to something shady. It definitely wouldn't be the first time this scam has been pulled. They threaten you with something that isn't really going to happen, in an attempt to extort money from you. Con men do this all the time.
In small claims the most he can hope for is a judgement %26amp; that's the worst thing you face. Judgements are only good for a certain amount of time. You could be garnished or have a lean placed on any real property that you may have but that's about it. I wouldn't give him any cash since he already is sueing you. In my opinion you wouldn't even have to show up in court. If you don't they will just rule in his favor %26amp; take the actions I stated above. I don't think you need a lawyer for small claims court unless you have money you want to spend on that. Hope this helps. You probably should go to court though in your own defense to the charges.
faxing is the same of email. if you got his right of faxing to him think that should be ok.
but sound to me that you just fax over to alot others too. if you can proof that the source of number had agree to let you fax over to them. then you should not having problem.
I'm not sure but be thankful for the country we live in. so great to live in a place where u can sue for anything. Man just get a lawyer and sue his a-s-s for eveything his worth
The grounds on which he is suing you would certainly help, but I'm guessing it's a frivolous lawsuit that will get thrown out. Unfortunately, you should probably have another attorney review the circumstances and confirm that for you, and that may cost you - perhaps just as much as whatever the attorney suing is seeking in the suit against you.
Spam faxs cost money for the recipient. There are movements afoot to try to stop people like you from sending unsolicited faxes. The individual cost might be slight, but the cost to the economy is significant. Nevertheless, don't settle. Let him take you to court. Better find out first if there is some law that allows for a judgment of more than the actual cost of receiving the fax. If there is no such law, tell him that you will settle for one cent. Tell him that you think the lawsuit is frivolous and you intend to seek sanctions for a frivolous lawsuit. Otherwise, let him waste his time. Be sure you show up for the hearing, and be prepared to question him about his damages.
What he is attempting to do sounds like extortion. Get some other legal advice - he is trying to take advantage of you. Or else just go to court and let the judge decide, don't let him bully you though.
tell him to come to zarimba drive.
he'll get knocked out
Were you FAX spamming? If so, that is illegal, and you deserve to be sued. Small claims court is only $2,500, plus his court costs. Get ready to pay up.
And a lot of the advice above is bogus. You do not take a lawyer to small claims court. It is a court that exists specifically for speedy, small claims, without a lot of process and procedure and no lawyers.
The first thing is to obtain an attorney to represent you. You didn't state what his grounds for the suit are, so any further advice, would not be worthwhile.
Get a lawyer
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