Monday, August 23, 2010

Need advice on career since my company is merging?

Good evening all,

My company is in the process of a merger. I am part of an full-time analyst program directly after college. My company is the company being acquired. After the news came out I seeked out other opportunites.

I was able to get a job offer from a company I had a previous offer but declined to take my current job. I promised to take the job this time and they gave me my offer which I accepted. The problem was the job did not start till July.

Now, my current job, the company who acquired us offered me a position which I had little time to think about and was forced to accept to buy more time to decide which option I wanted to go.

Staying with my current company I would get payed $10,000 more.

My question is, do you think I should stay with my company who is going to be absorbed into the new company? Or do you think I should go to the company that took me back after I initially declined their offer?Need advice on career since my company is merging?
Firstly, Congrats on the 2 jobs. You should be proud that you have scored these offers.

I'm a little confused about your desire to leave now that a merger is happening. Are you worried about your job security? If so, I would definitely take the offer that wants to take you back.

If you are more worried about the changes that are going to occur but still enjoy your job, I say stay. Better the devil you know and all that.

Will the difference in money make a profound difference to you? If not, it is a level playing field and you need to decide on what you want - the old %26amp; familiar or a new challenge.

I'm thinking though that something has made you seek new employment so I would also recommend listening to your gut instinct.

If you're still confused, maybe write up a pros and cons list for each company to help you decide what it is you're really after.

Good Luck to you.

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