Monday, August 23, 2010

My health care company (Blue Cross) is totally screwing me. I need some advice.?

Basically I was given a name brand prescription that works perfectly for what I need. I was denied coverage of that medication because there was no generic equivalent. I guess Blue Cross can't afford to cover expensive medicine.

Instead they want to give me a more powerful more addictive form of medication that people buy on the street for good money.

How in the hell is this even legal. That they can deny me prescribed medication which would work far better than the addictive junk they're okay with giving me.

Aren't they supposed to be looking out for me? I am so pissed off right now and I don't know who to write or call about this. I've already tried blue cross but apparently they don't give a $#%#My health care company (Blue Cross) is totally screwing me. I need some advice.?
Nope, they, as you say, don't give a $#%#. You are more accurate then you know. What most insureds don't understand is that insurance companies are ';for-profit'; organizations. Their primary goal is to make money. They are not a charitable organization. Whatever monies they make between premiums (income) and payment of claims (expense) is money in their pocket. So, of course, they are going to do the best imitation of Scrooge possible in order to keep monies in their coffers.

Gone are the days of $10 office co-pays and $10 generic, $20 preferred brand name, and $25 non-preferred brand name drugs. Now you have $15 co-pay generic drugs and a $500 or more deductible before you pay the $25 co-pay for brand-name drugs.

What is an insured going to do? Medical insurance companies have you between a rock and a hard place. If you don't have insurance and are middle income, you pay out the wazoo. I've had two hospitalizations in the last 4 months that have made a BIG dent in my savings, but I can only ponder what I would have done had I not had the ';Big Insurance Company'; discount (almost 75% reduction)?!!?##?? Those medical bills would have bankrupted me. How do medical providers, in all good conscience, charge middle income folks w/o insurance those outrageous fees? Medical charges should be the same whether an insurance company is paying or an individual is paying out of pocket.My health care company (Blue Cross) is totally screwing me. I need some advice.?
I don't think there is much you can do. BC will only pay for generic and if there is none you have to buy it yourself. You might contact the company that makes the medication you need and they may come up with a solution, let you have it at a discount or give it to you for free. BC is not the only insurance doing that, they all do it.
That sucks. wish u would have said what med it is, and what the cost. I don't know where u live but I see 2 options. #1 Get in real good w/ Dr. Get him to say u need the med or u will not have an acceptable quality of life. Md's have power they can get ins. co. to do anything. option #2 Buy it in Mexico or Can. the meds r exactly the same harm. wise only cheaper. If u get desperate buy off the Internet, It sucks that health care in the us has come to that but many people do it. Good luck
son everything thing to do wit healtcare is screwed jus stop goin to the doctors all they do is inject u wit mercury in there vaccines and cancer ud be better of stayin away from the doctors

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