Saturday, July 31, 2010

My company is relocating me from HK to Australia...Lots of questions, would appreciate some advice/feedback?

My company has proposed a move for me from HK to AU.

My current Income tax rate in HK is 16% max, but I see in AU it could go all the way to 45% in some cases.

For the relo package, how is the cost of living adjustment handled. Is a potential 29% increase in tax rate taken into account?

If anyone has had any similiar experience with packages offered please let me know. Would like to be prepared befroe being presented with the formal offer.

And if there is anything else that would be good to know for this type of move please let me know.My company is relocating me from HK to Australia...Lots of questions, would appreciate some advice/feedback?
Yes we pay a lot of tax in Australia, but there's advantages too.

I would say your employer won't want to talk about tax, they'll tell you to buy a surf board and go to the beach on the weekends - you'll love it. Still you only get what you negotiate, you can try for a raise.

I've moved back to Australia after living in Singapore for a while and the differences are so dramatic - it's like a different world.

Something someone told me long ago (and I keep finding to be true), you only get out of something what you put into it. By this I mean a job, country, relationship anything. You need to invest time and effort into things before they reward you in return. A lot of people relocate and just get home sick - that's because they don't put in.

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