Wheels has a good concept. Here's a number to someone I know that has been involved in this industry for many many years. Instead of just going with one provider, and selling just that, you should collaborate with all providers and not just limit to cell phones, but go into the entire communications industry. The income in this alone is just incredible. She collaborated with a 15 year old world wide company that Donald Trump has endorsed. They've been featured in several magazines like USA Today, Success, Fortune and Inc 500 rated them the 22nd fastest growing company. They market in Local and Long Distance Telephone services, Internet services, digital phone services, video phone services, VOIP, as well as all the major cellular phone providers like Verizon, T-Mobile, AT%26amp;T, Sprint, Altell, Nextell etc. This is a huge business opportunity for you.
The best person to contact that can go over the companies, answer any questions you may have and point you out into the right direction. An incredible person that's helped many business owners in this industry.
Tiffany's address is kaiden4@aol.com
Good Luck!I want to open a cell phone company in california... any advice on which company to go with???
The services the company offers are local and long distance calling, Internet, Digital, Voip with video phones, Satellite TV and cell phone services with all the major cell phone providers. Now everybody knows plenty of other people who use these services in their homes every day, and this opportunity allows you to save people money on these services, but at the same time it allows you to earn a percentage of the monthly billing of all the people, who are saving money on the services you recommended, now you have created a residual based income, you get paid every month for as long as the customer continues to use the service. Contact me if interested.
WheelsI want to open a cell phone company in california... any advice on which company to go with???
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